Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ppeppero! Ppeppero! Ppeppero!

Korea never ceases to disappoint me with its cuteness factor. Today, November 11th, is 빼 빼 로 데 이 (Ppeppero Day). Ppeppero, akin to the Japanese Pocky, are long cookie sticks dipped in chocolate. I've been told that Lotte, the manufacturing company (and one which seemingly has a monopoly over food products here in Korea) just decided one day that 11/11 would be Ppeppero Day (take note of the four ones and their resemblence to these cookies). On this day, lovers are meant to give each other boxes of these deliciuos little snacks. In addition, students give to teachers and children to their friends.

I arrived to school this morning to find two one foot-long, one-inch thick Ppepperos on my desk, covered in chocolate and colorful flower shaped sprinkles. These could have easily come from a coworker (which wouldn't be out of the ordinary, despite this "holiday" being geared more toward children), but I'd like to think that I've got a student out there who likes me well enough to secretly place chocolate cookies on my desk before school... :)

I've since had two students come to my desk between classes and give me a box of the classic plain chocolate dipped cookies. I was really hoping for the chocolate almond flavor, but beggars can't be choosers, right? I'll take what I can get when it comes to chocolate covered snacks!

In my first class this morning, one student had a little bag of Ppepperos and said to my co-teacher in Korean "Teacher, please have some Ppeppero." She happily accepted the snack from the student, only to find it empty. In our next class, a student called me over to his desk, where he was offering me a box of the chocolate almond flavor. After our first class I had my suspicions, but my hopes remained high that I'd be snacking on chocolate almond covered cookies 45 minutes later--only to find yet ANOTHER empty package.

Needless to say, these little pranks gave the students a good laugh.

South Korea has a handful of other little informal holidays like Ppeppero Day. There is a special little holiday every month, it's really quite fantastic! Though, rarely have I actually observed any of them. Here is some information I picked up off the internet:

January 14th – Diary Day
Couples are meant to give each other a diary or year planner book and note down all the rest of these lovely gift-giving days make new year’s resolutions.

February 14th – Valentine’s Day
In contrast to Western society, today is traditionally when women give chocolates to their men and confess their love.

March 14th – White Day
Men give candy to the women they love (Flowers, chocolate and cuddly toys, etc.. anything!)

April 14th – Black Day
A purely Korean day, for those singletons out there, who didn’t received chocolate or candy, console and encourage themselves by eating jajangmyeon (짜장면) – noodles with black bean sauce.

May 14th – Rose Day / Yellow Day
Couples exchange roses, and those lonely hearts gather for curry and companionship. Apparently dressing in yellow is also recommended.

June 14th – Kiss Day
The day when couples kiss each other.
There is one site puts it as: ‘Lovers confess their feelings to one another and kiss passionately.’ Just another excuse to make out really!!

July 14th – Silver Day
Couples can freely ask their friends to give them money to pay for a date! Couples exchange gifts made of silver, and announce their relationship to their friends. I’m thinking this is a good idea as you get yourself a free date day!

August 14th – Green Day
Couples are supposed to dress in green, and walk outside in the woods. Singles would drink a (green) bottle of soju to console themselves.

September 14th – Photo & Music Day
Couples take photographs together, go out with friends in the evening to Noraebangs (Karaoke) or night clubs, places with music in order to make their relationship public.

October 14th – Wine Day
Couples have wine on this day, because wine drinking is the thing to do in autumn.

October 24th – Apple Day
The Korean word for apple is called ‘Sa-gwa’ (사과), also means to apologize. On this day, friends, family and couples give an apple to each other to apologize for past mistakes.

November 11th – Pepero Day (Also called the Choc Stick Day!)
A new day that has taken off in South Korea, it is named after a pencil-shaped cookie stick covered in chocolate, given mostly by young Koreans as an expression of their affection.
The 11th day of the 11th month is specifically chosen as the number looks like a Pepero stick. Students exchange the treats with one another with the thought of growing tall and thin.

November 14th – Movie & Orange Day
Couples would watch a movie together while having some orange juice.

December 14th – Hug Day
Couples are meant to hug one another lovingly to stay warm in the cold winter months.

As you can see, there is a lot of emphasis placed on being in a relationship... You have no idea how many times I've been told "You need a boyfriend" or asked by somebody whom I've just met "Do you have a boyfriend?" It's a harsh world for young women here in Korea...

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