Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bureaucracy... Psshaa!

Well, I've got my new job here, buuuuut... I can't teach just yet. I'm technically "illegal" to teach just yet, as I am here in Korea on a tourist visa. Everything started last night, beginning with an opening ceremony that I wasn't allowed to attend. Tonight's placement testing for the leveled classes. And, tomorrow, the real fun begins! What have I been doing with myself, then, you ask?

Good question.

Settling in. Catching up. Eating. Celebrating birthdays. Saying goodbyes. Eating. Organizing my life. Eating. Helping my roommate plan Jinju's production of "The Vagina Monologues." Eating. You know, the usual things like that. Nothing terribly productive, but it's made for a very smooth and comfortable transition into this new life. Although, I think I've got to change my routine starting... Tomorrow. (There's ALWAYS tomorrow, right?) I've now been in my new place for a week and a few days, so I've had my fun and now it's time to make something of all this free time.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to legally teach until I go to Japan to do a "visa run"; or, leave Korea to cancel my tourist visa and hit up the Korean consulate in Fukuoka, Japan to get my brand spankin' new E-2 teaching visa. Only THEN will I be allowed to teach. And, given everything, I'm looking at the rest of this week and all of next week before that happens. I hope to be in Japan for my visa by the end of next week. Sheesh.

With that said, I think it's time I use my free time now (while all my co-workers are currently doing placement testing for the next few hours) and catch up on some stories from India! Check out the India blog soon!


1 comment:

  1. HAH. What a life. "Oh, what?" "Yeah, I have to go visit Japan. Woe is me."

    Go enjoy my old digs in Fukuoka for me please. You'll be there in perfect time for the cherry blossom celebrations.

