Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Week in Pictures

It's been a looooong week... A lot of thinking about what to teach in camp, a lot of planning for camp, a lot of changing my mind about what to teach in camp, a lot of preparing for camp, a lot of teaching at camp... Basically, most of my waking hours of the past week have revolved around camp. Having no experience teaching the boys in the classroom before creating a new lesson plan for every day of the past week was a challenge. BUT, I was able to get out a few times--and as you might notice as you browse though the photos below, everything else I've done has revolved around food. Hmmm... stressed, perhaps? :)

I met a few friends downtown on Wednesday and we took a mini-eating tour. First we sampled some of the street food:

Next was "pizza in a cup," as we like to call the dish. A slice of pizza in a dixie cup--ingenious! Well, delicious at the very least...

On our way back home that evening, Megan and I had a craving for wine. And chocolate. And then we also added to our shopping baskets beer, coffee, hot chocolate and cookies. We are keeping healthy here in Jinju... At the supermarkets, there are always these crazy 'huts' built out of boxes of various snacks. This one's made out of choco-pies, and then filled with various other treats. We felt the need for a photo:

When the weekend finally came around, Megan and I spent some time wandering one of Jinju's huge local markets. We were pretty excited to say the least when we came upon this amazing snack shack. We observed people for a few minutes so we knew how to appropriately gather--and sample!--the snacks we wanted. Then, we went to town and filled our red plastic baskets. Most of the snacks were sesame-, rice-, or peanut-related, but there was also some ginger, chocolate and pumpkin mixed in--as well as some fishy-flavor! (I'm not a fan of those).

At the market:

Then we stopped at a little coffee shop to meet a few folks. Instead of chairs, patrons get to enjoy nice swinging benches at the tables!

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