During one of my classes this morning, I witnessed the following in a student sitting in the front row (all while my co-teacher and I were teaching, mind you):
He borrowed a razor/paper cutter from the student behind him (all the students here have them in their little pencil cases, though I'm not quite sure why).
Then, he took out those tiny little post-it note strips used to mark pages in books from the pencil case of the student sitting next to him, who conveniently had his back turned to him and therefore had no clue what was going on.
Student #1 then started using the razor on the post-it note strips and sliced about two-thirds off the end. He returned the razor and the little post-it note strips (or, the half-inch that was left of them) to their respective owners.
He started poking the owner of the post-it note strips in the back. When he was ignored, he tried to give him the papers he had cut off, but he was still ignored. So then he turned to the kid behind him and started tossing, one by one, the little excess strips of paper on his desk. The student behind him annoyingly brushed off the papers, one by one, obviously irritated. Then student #1 decided to toss all of the remaining papers on the desk at once.
Ahhhh, it's the little things in life that continue to be the most amusing.