Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Koffee in Korea

This morning I've made my final cup of coffee in Korea. And it tastes soooooo gooooood. I still have a week before I leave--no, six days! But I'm fresh out of coffee and decided that since I'm kicking coffee to the curb on my four months of travel, I might as well start now. I mean, who wants coffee when you can have chai tea every day! That is, until I get to Vietnam, where I hear they have some spectacular iced coffee made with sweet and condensed milk... Mmmm...

I've spent the past week being very busy doing a lot of... A little. I've sorted through clothes and decided what to give away and what to send home (though, I fear I need to do a second cut and get rid of more still), I've put aside what I'll be taking in my backpack on my trip (though, that also needs a second cut), read three books (well, I still have 50 more pages to finish in the third one), watched Season Three of The Walking Dead (but there's one more new episode coming out on Monday!), used up as much of my food as I could cooking couscous, soups, chili, pasta and banana coconut pancakes (still have a can of soup, gingerbread and chocolate pudding to make), sorted through papers and office supplies that I've accumulated over three years, as well as toiletries and other personal items, shoved all my important 'to-send-home' stuff (i.e., climbing gear, cute notes from former students, a few special books) to the corner of our living room, decided which shoes to throw away, put an olive oil, honey and cinnamon hair mask on in an attempt to naturally lighten my hair (my friend had just done it and I figured anything to keep me from actually having to pack any boxes sounds good to me--it smells so yummy I want to eat it), made final plans with friends, and made an appointment to get a cleaning at the dentist two days before I leave.

So, as you can see, I've gotten a lot done, but still have a lot more to do (i.e., actually pack up boxes to ship home). I'm notorious for not getting anything completely done until the last minute, and until that last minute just chipping away at things a little here and there. Like an ice sculpture. That's how I imagine it.

Monday, February 18, 2013

The End is Nigh

Just over a year ago I thought I'd be leaving Korea, but it turns out I didn't. "Just one more year" is not an uncommon mantra for those of us who have found ourselves living and working in South Korea. Korea is a place that offers a comfortable (yet sometimes unfulfilling), easy (yet not without its challenges) and leisure-filled life (should you desire and seek it).

I've had the opportunity to live abroad in a foreign country, experience new kinds of work, make room for personal growth, gain some life-long friends, create everlasting memories, travel around other parts of Asia, save money, pursue new and old hobbies, and develop what I expect to be an attachment to this country and its people and culture (especially the food!) for the remainder of my life.

Korea has no doubt been a very special experience and one of the best memories of my life, but it's now officially time to move on. No more "Just one more year" excuses. That is, of course, unless things don't work out for me after I leave. I could always do just one more year...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

On North Korea and Running Away from Kimchi

(And no, they're not connected)...

On North Korea:

Having lived in South Korea for nearly three years now, people (including myself) are always interested to know about North Korea. Admittedly, I don't really know a lot--partly because I haven't put a lot of my own time or effort into finding out about it, and partly because the north is seemingly becoming more and more separate from the south with each successive generation of Korean people.

From what I've been told, the older generation of Koreans feel as though North and South Korea are still one country, and they still dream of unification into one Korea. This of course makes sense, considering the current older population in Korea were the ones who experienced pre-Korean war living where it WAS one country. The middle generation lies somewhere on the fence; most people would like to see unification occur, but they aren't quite as passionate about it as their older counterparts. It is the younger generation who, and one can't blame them, don't feel any connection at all with the north and are indifferent, or even against, unification of north and south.

Younger generations have grown up in modern-day, technology-oriented, Western society-driven South Korea. This is the tiny little land of 50 million people that has gone from nothing in its post-war state, to having the best internet in the world, huge technological superpowers like Samsung (think the i-phone rivalry), one of the highest rates of plastic surgery in the world, and k-pop stars like PSY (who just performed at the American Music Awards--with MC Hammer).

I recently had the amazing opportunity to go to a talk by a recent North Korean defector. This kid--yes, I say kid--is 20 years old. He was referred to as "Mr. Kim." Here's his story:

When he was growing up, life was good. He remembers taking homemade, packed lunches to kindergarten, where the children spent their days playing and taking naps. Crops were plentiful, and life was comfortable for him and his family. Then, sometime during his childhood (which he now has little recollection of), life became increasingly difficult. People began to get hungry, neighbors starved to death. Children would stay home from school to help their families on the farms. He remembers his mother oftentimes having only a glass of water for her meal so her children could eat what little food they had. He heard of people resorting to cannibalism.

In North Korea, it's not easy to get a driver's license. The only people who can get a license must go through  special training and have extensive knowledge of how to fix cars and end up in driving-related jobs. Young Mr. Kim decided that he wanted to do this with his life. His father was angry about this decision. Being a driver was a job that, according to his father, was dangerous and not respectable. He did it anyway.

Mr. Kim was out on a job near the Chinese border. It was nighttime. Across the river he could see a Chinese town lit up by electricity that, as a North Korean, he didn't have the luxury of having. The lights were too alluring and his curiosity got the best of him... He crossed over just to see what was over there, sure to return after this tiny little, meaningless adventure.

That was the last time his feet touched North Korean soil. He refers to himself as an accidental refugee. One of his last memories was when he went to the local market with his younger brother to buy food for the family. They had a little money leftover and his brother asked if they could spend it on a banana, which neither had ever tasted before. A banana was a mysterious luxury that costed as much as a kilo of rice. Being the responsible older brother, he told his younger brother no.

It was unclear in his story how exactly his (unintentional) escape happened, but he somehow fell into the hands of people who would eventually lead him to Thailand. It was a long journey across China, trudging through jungles and being handed off from person to person, all the while depending on others to keep him alive. After some time, he made it to Thailand--where he was imprisoned as an illegal immigrant.

Luckily, Thailand is one of two countries (the other being Mongolia) in the area that won't automatically send North Koreans back to North Korea. End up in Myanmar, or Vietnam, and your journey would have been for nothing.

He didn't share many details of this experience like how long he spent in Thailand, or how long he's been in South Korea. His family didn't know for a long time where he was, but this past August he was able to (illegally, of course) speak to them via mobile phone. When asked what his dreams were for his future, he said he just wants to safely bring his family to South Korea. But, of course, his family is under close watch now after his escape (for certain crimes, three generations of the family will be imprisoned in work camps to pay for the crime--which certainly means this young man can never return to North Korea again).

Before you go and think that he's found his heaven, being away from the crazed country of North Korea, understand this: Even as a North Korean, refugees are treated as foreigners in South Korea, particularly by younger generations. They are discriminated against, can't get good jobs, and are treated as outsiders in xenophobic and proud South Korea. It is becoming more and more common for defectors to in fact return to their families in the north because life in South Korea is too hard. Imagine coming from a land where all of one's energy and focus is put toward surviving day to day, wondering where the next meal will come from, and going to a land where parents spend more money on their daughter's plastic surgery to get a double eyelid, or their son's 16 hours-a-day education than an entire North Korean community will see in a lifetime.

When asked what young Mr. Kim does in his free time these days, he said he just likes to spend it in his church, participating in church activities and helping church members. He doesn't understand the drinking and smoking culture that is so apparent in South Korea's youth, so his church is where he feels most comfortable and accepted. Sometimes he wishes he could go back to North Korea...

A simultaneously beautiful and tragic story of a young man escaping one harsh reality, only to land in another (though, I'm sure he'd take his current situation over his previous any day).

Now, on a lighter note (not to undermine the significance and seriousness of the matter above)...

On Running Away from Kimchi:

I had come across an opportunity to volunteer my time by helping to make kimchi at a local hospital in Jinju. So, I agreed to show up on Tuesday morning at 9am and help dozens and dozens of people with this process. I figured why not? I've been living in Korea for nearly three years and I've NEVER made kimchi! That's horrendous and must be changed! Or, so I thought when I agreed to show up.

So, I got up early, took a bus to the other side of town, hopped in a taxi for the rest of the way, and was dropped in front of the hospital right next to the elaborate kimchi-making station. The night before I had said to my boyfriend on the phone "Watch, it'll be just my luck that the only thing they'll be doing tomorrow will be washing 20 tonnes of cabbage" (I HATE getting my fingers pruney). And what's happening when I step out of the taxi? About 50 people in plastic ponchos and rubber gators up to their chests, washing about 20 tonnes of cabbage in massive tubs of water!

I looked around to see if anybody noticed me (they had been told that I would be coming), lingered a little longer just in case--and then bolted. Yes, I ran away from the kimchi. It was a freezing cold (albeit beautiful) morning, and I wanted nothing to do with ponchos or gators.

Oh well, I tried...

Just the fact that I have the choice--and therefore luxury--to do, and then not do, something like this makes me feel so lucky after thinking about what little choice North Koreans have in their lives. Hearing stories like young Mr. Kim's helps keep me grounded and remember just how good I have it...

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Six-Month Summary

As I've been extremely neglectful of this blog the past six months, here's a little run-down of what I've been up to:

Starting in, Oregon...

Watched my brother propose to his girlfriend at her nursing school graduation and pinning ceremony:..

Enjoyed fine food and fresh eats that are difficult to get my hands on in Korea...

Watched records being broken at the US Olympic Trials for track and field...

Road-tripped and camped through Eastern Oregon with my dad...

Loved on my little kitty Luna, who I miss dearly...

Admired many of Oregon's mountains from afar...

Jumped, climbed, crawled and ran through obstacles and muddy pits with my two best friends in the Dirty Dash...

Said "So long" once again to the people I love most back home...

Now, back to Korea...

Worked a four-week high school English camp and taught some amazing and inspiring students...

Spent two weeks on Jeju Island with my boyfriend and endured two large-scale typhoons in a row, with a little beach time on the side in between the massive storms...

Started fall semester and immediately started the bonding process with my class, Class 4, by none other than a night out full of soju and Korean drinking games (something worthy of a solo post one of these days, they're so hilarious)...

Had picnics by the riverside in Jinju (one of my favorite things about this city) with good food and good people...

Joined an ultimate frisbee team in Busan and started dedicating most of my weekends to learning and playing the sport as a rookie of the game...

Cheered on my Oregon Ducks from afar...

Enjoyed the annual Jinju Lantern Festival just one more time before I say goodbye to this beautiful country...

Spent five fabulous days with four wonderful people way up north in Gangwondo on a road trip, camping on the beach at night and climbing mountains during the day in my favorite national park in Korea, Seoraksan...

And, naturally, stopping at the large penis-park along the way...

More frisbee weekends, including one entire weekend playing on the beach...

Took cheesy photos in a photo booth during my second visit to Jeju Island over Halloween weekend...

Had a huge Halloween party at the university where I teach...

Lost in the semi-finals during the ultimate frisbee playoffs, but went out feeling love for all the amazing new people and wonderful new sport that came into my life...

Hard to believe this chapter of my life is coming to an end after three years, but I am so thankful for all who have been part of my life in Korea and the experiences that I have been so lucky to have. And luckily, I have much to look forward to when I leave! In other words, I love my life!